Fun & Learning Begin with UGears

Who would have thought there will come a time when wooden mechanical toys will become the first choice for kids and adults?

No one could have guessed that, but as UGears has built a platform for unique and classic toys and models, people are catching up. Visit the site- and take a look at some of the popular toys designed by UGears.

1: Heavy Boy Truck:

This is a piece of heavy machinery that young boys love to own. It is a toy which is a heavy-duty 18-wheel truck. If you look at the truck, it is a real-life prototype. From 3-mode realistic transmission system to trailer connector system hook-up, the mighty beast is fully packed with elements that an actual truck has.

2: Bike:

Fan of the iconic Ghost rider bike? UGears have a bike for you that will give you a similar feel. This VM-02 Bike has a sleek and powerful design and expresses the free spirit of a wanderer. The bike is detailed from wheels to handle and it makes an excellent gift for the ones who love to spend their time on the road traveling.

3: Grand Prix Car:

If you are a fan of the vintage race cars of old times, then UGears have the perfect model for you. The model is inspired by the popular 20th-century racing cars. It looks like a replica of the Grand Prix models which participated in the first racing tournament. So, you can keep it as a souvenir to remember the good old times.

  1. Fire Truck

Fire Truck from UGears functions similar to a real rescue and fire truck along with turning foot, ascending the ladder, which turns into a real crane just with a hook. This model from UGears comes with retraceable fire ladder on a platform that rotates. Moreover, the fire ladder comes with several controls. By pressing the lever, you can lift up the ladder.

  1. Tram

Tram lime model from UGears is the first mechanical model of their mechanical tower series. The model offers so many possibilities to explore fun beyond assembly. The set comes with 14 parts and each part has a convenient scale to build on and play with.

  1. Combine Harvester

Combine harvester from UGears is the high-quality instance of the mechanic’s wonders. It is powered by the rubber-band motor. There is also hidden storage compartment in the set of the back that provides you a place where you can keep your heirloom seeds for next season or you can send love notes to the farmer you like.

  1. Dynamometer

Dynamometer from UGears runs by transforming air pressure into motion. It is one of the easiest and simples UGears wooden models when it comes to assembly and builds.

These are some popular wooden models from UGears and you can give them to your special one as a unique and interesting present. The best thing is that all of the models from UGears are made of natural wood and comes with an instructional manual so you can assemble it easily.

To know more about UGears mechanical models, visit

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